Personnel administration, payroll

Salary administration requirements are becoming increasingly more complex, with changes in the social insurance system and employment law calling for swift and flexible action. We provide support for these tasks by way of an outsourcing package individually tailored to the needs of your company.

The areas of social insurance and fiscal law present some of the most daunting challenges faced by companies today, particularly in connection with international employment relations. Moreover, since the opening of the labour market for EU citizens these issues have become more topical than ever. Our experienced specialists are well versed in all the commensurate laws and regulations.

Additional benefits of outsourcing are the maintenance of secrecy, no infrastructure or training costs and professionally regulated deputisation in the case of absence. Salaries can be loaded directly within your e-banking system using a passive access right and then merely require your signature – leaving you to concentrate on your core business, while we take care of everything else.

We assist you with the establishment and management of payroll accounts – from standard processing procedures right through to company-specific analyses and measures.